Thursday, May 3, 2007

There comes a time in a man's life..

Work Ethic. Diligence. Integrity. Perseverance.

What are these things?

They are moral values that build character and make you a good and strong person. If you suck at life, it's a good chance you are missing at least one of the above, most likely all 4. You can't be given these things, they have to be learned, earned, taught and gained through life experience(s).

People without work ethic piss me off. You are not entitled to the things you have, they need to be earned. I don't give a shit what you've done in the past or who your daddy is, or how miserable your childhood was. If you suck at your job because you feel entitled to laziness and giving a lackluster performance then you are a waste of space. I'd rather work twice as hard and do the job myself than be stuck with people who don't know the meaning of a hard day's work. (i.e. 99.9999% of Californians).

People who aren't diligent piss me off. Oh my god! Something is difficult?! You're kidding! You mean.....*gasp* I'm not entitled to just be given everything in life? I actually have to work hard and put forth effort to obtain things? So you are actually saying that in order to be successful in life I actually need to do more than complain that society hasn't given me everything already? I actually have to put forth monumental levels of effort? No, say it ain't so! Yeah. If you happen to have missed the dripping sarcasm in this paragraph, I feel sorry for you.

I love ranting. I need to do it more often. There is so much shit that pisses me off that I have no control over. Like for instance the overwhelming abundance of morons surrounding me constantly. And people who don't know how to drive even though California has some of the toughest laws in place to prevent idiots from obtaining a drivers license, yet they have the fucking worst drivers in history. GAH!

If you are my friend then you are most likely not who I'm complaining about, so don't worry. But if you are around me and start hippy bitching about the system bringing you down because you would rather smoke pot than get a job and actually benefit the world somehow, I'm going to go super-saiyan and bust some heads.

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