Wednesday, May 2, 2007

AHHHH! I feel like the tide is slowly creeping in and leaving me less and less room to move around. Like my little island is getting smaller and smaller all the time. With every passing week it feels like I have less time to spend with my girlfriend and less time to enjoy my hobbies. It's just work, animation, more work, more animation. At this very moment, I'm starting to get annoyed. Sometimes (usually depending on the amount of coffee I've had) I am in a pretty good mood about it all, but right now I'm feeling so burnt out from work. Bleh! I just want to go see my girl and lay around with her and watch Naruto or James Bond or something. Alas, I cannot. I guess this is what I missed out on when i was 18-21 when I didn't go to college.

/end rant.

It's really not that bad, I'm just a tired ass mofo right now and felt like venting to nobody.

1 comment:

  1. So glad those days are long gone and the days of lazy Sundays and Paris vacations are ahead :)
