Saturday, November 7, 2009

Europe: Paris And Things

The last few days have been a lot of fun. On Thursday Emily had class the entire day so I spent most of the day wandering the sunny streets of Paris. My first trek took me to the Louvre museum (the largest museum on the planet!) where I had planned to spend most of the day inside touring around and looking at famous pieces of art such as the Mona Lisa, and ancient Greek statues and sculptures. However, when I got there I realized that it was the first day since I had arrived in France that it wasn't raining, and that maybe a day spent inside would be better spent on a typical rainy day. So instead of going into the museum I kept on walking and explored the Louvre Gardens and tried to get lost in the first district.

The following day, Emily had the day off from school so we decided to go and see the Arc de Triomphe and the famous Champs de Elysees which is basically the boulevard that Rodeo Drive aspires to be. The Arc was incredible. Check out a photo.

It's an amazing piece of art in and of itself, and looking at it from next to and underneath is incredible. The weather held out so nicely for us as well, no rain at all that day! Adjacent to this magnificent structure is the famous Champs De Elysees, which we walked down next.

If you're a big fashion person or just flat out rich than you'd probably enjoy this street a lot more than me, as it's home to a lot of Paris' big time stores like Louis Vitton, Cartier, ROLEX, etc. It was neat to window shop and I got to see a Peugeot F1 car in the official Peugeot store, but besides that it was more of just a nice place to walk through. We kept on down the boulevard and ended up at the next landmark known as the Obelisk of Luxor. A giant obelisk given to the French by the Egyptians in 1829. It's covered in crazy hieroglyphics too. Awesome. Check it out!

And yeah that's the Eiffel Tower in the background. This place is cool because you can see the Obelisk, Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, and the Louvre all from this one spot. After this we walked back home and prepared for what would be a fun night, as the following day was Emily's birthday! Emily invited a bunch of her friends over from her classes here, so we all hung out with some music, food, and good wine. It was indeed a fun night for all.

Today being Emily's birthday, we did some shopping and went out to dinner at a great Belgian seafood restaurant. It was awesome! We're off tonight to go drinking again, so I'm sure more stories will arise. Good times in Paris for sure.

Tomorrow I leave for Brussels, Belgium where I'm going on a five day epic beer tasting adventure. Fun, Awesome, and Win.

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