Thursday, January 22, 2009

Champion of Ithaca

So this is home...
In the guise of a beggar - Minerva guides my way
I find my kingdom in jeopardy

Vengeance - it swells within me
As I spy so many who eye my Queen
I'll make them pay for this blasphemy... All will see

Triumphant - Champion of Ithaca
I will right all the wrongs
Let the Gods sing my song
Triumphant - Champion of Ithaca
Let a new life begin
my journey has come to and end

A contest of valor
'to pierce the twelve rings
in a single arrow's flight'
Yet, not a one can string the bow

My veil of silence lifted
All is revealed
revenge burns in my heart
thrashing and slashing down all my claim the throne

Triumphant - Champion of Ithaca
I will right all the wrongs
Let the Gods sing my song
Triumphant - Champion of Ithaca
Let a new life begin
this is the end of my Odyssey

Seems like forever that my eyes have been denied
Home - I'm finally home
I've been twenty years away from all I ever knew
I have returned to make my dream come true

...Just a verse from one of my favorite songs, and the lyrics behind the title of my blog. (Symphony X - "The Odyssey")

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