Friday, June 27, 2008

San Francisco and Friends From Paris Part II

Man it's been a hell of a week! Richard arrived last Wednesday and we spent the week touring around Los Angeles visiting the sites and hitting the beaches. Venice Beach, Santa Monica Beach/Pier, Hermosa, Redondo, 3rd Street Promenade, Hollywood, Studio City, Death Valley, we did a lot of driving around and had a radical time.

Probably the most interesting thing we did was to leave the city around 11pm for a two day trip up north to Death Valley National Park. We were going to head out East to Joshua Tree but there was a massive heat wave coming through and thought it might be wise to head North into the mountains instead. So, we got some instructions to an old primitive campsite from a friend and headed out. It took about 3 hours to get there which put us in around 2am, it was a crazy place. This "campsite" looked like it was straight out of a Friday the 13th movie. We were miles off the road, not another person or sign of life in sight. The place was barely a campsite, really just a small patch of space off of the dirt road. There was a river that came off the mountain that ran right through the site, which was neat, except for that it was deafeningly loud. We decided we didn't want to get murdered out in the middle of nowhere and decided to head home. On the way back the sun started to rise so we pulled over on the side of the deserted highway to watch the sun come up over the ridge. Some great photos were taken and we ended up having a really fun time despite the original plan going bust. On the way home we stopped off at a few more campgrounds to do some hiking and got back to the city around 10am. Traffic was fun.

Besides that we did a lot of walking through various parts of the city and Richard took some really cool photos. He is a great photographer and is going to be editing the photos before we see any of them with color correction, cropping, etc. so they are awesome +1.

To Read More, Click Below.

Now that Richard has flown up to San Francisco, I've got a couple days to get my stuff together than we're headed up there too for the Annual Animation Mentor Barbecue and Job Fair. Recruiters from 11 different studios are confirmed to be there for us to chat with on Friday. Afterwards we're all headed to see the opening of Wall-E (New pixar movie.) On Saturday is the Barbecue where I'll hopefully get to meet a lot of the people I went to school with online who I've not yet met in person, along with some of the mentors I have worked with in the past.

It's been a busy week and the weekend seems like it won't be any different. I'm looking forward to getting back to my routine on Sunday. And some sleep, yes.

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