Sunday, April 22, 2007


This is by FAR the most sore I have ever been in my entire life. I am no stranger to working out hard either. This is insane. I literally can barely walk. My quads are so rediculously tight that I have to crawl down stairs and in/out of my car. I blame the 80's.

In and Out rocks my socks, as does chocolate soy milk.

I sang to a little girl today, for like 5 minutes straight. Opera stylez. Then I tricked another girl into landing a cartwheel on the balance beam. Then I taught a 5 year old how to flex her stomach muscles and she has a harder stomach than me.

No word from LDK yet. Soon I hope.

Time warner cable called me 6 times today. They love me.

Going to be a busy week working on planning out the madness that will be my second shot of class 2, on top of finishing up the first shot from the previous 3 weeks. Q/A and crit tomorrow night...A status?

This is Sparta!

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